October 3, 2017
Fall Outfit Inspiration

Fall Outfit Inspiration

Fall Outfit Inspiration
It is that time of year again in Chicago where the days of summer bliss are behind us and the cool fall air is starting to settle in! Being a Florida girl at heart it is always hard to kiss away the summer sun, however, I have always loved fall weather and big comfy sweaters! One of the beauty brands I work for threw a party last Friday in celebration of their 10th birthday and when my work bestie Meme showed up with bundles of eucalyptus for the party I immediately screamed "Photoshoot in the alley way NOW"! Safe to say all the girls in the building laughed at us but hey... I will never pass down a good photoshoot prop when I see one!

I have been loving this sweater from Express recently! It has big bell sleeves and hangs off the shoulder effortlessly. The jeans I'm wearing are from American Eagle and they are hands down my favorite "boyfriend" jean on the market! I would buy 100 pairs and wear them every day if it was socially acceptable! And I can't end this post without giving myself a mini clap on the back for my braid that day #BarefootBlondeHairGoals achieved. I swear I was sleeping when the rest of the world magically learned how to do every braid in the book... I'll rock the OG classic braid all day everyday with pride until I can up my game!

Can't wait to share more of my favorite fall looks with you all soon!

5 comments on "BIG SWEATERS, MESSY HAIR"
  1. I love blonde hair plus this messy braid looks so amazing on you. Winters are coming and now i am planning to go for a shopping for sweaters like these. You look pretty in them.

    1. Thanks you so much! Yes, you have to check out Express they have such great sweaters this fall/winter!

  2. I like your lovely sweater, it matches you. Unfortunately, this is not the same with me. I do not like white clothes at all.

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  4. They have What is the magic of this kind of outfit exactly? This article is telling you with the pairing tips for all kinds of sweaters of latest trending designs. cashmere sweater womens


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